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BIM Competence Center

The BIM Competence Center, created in 2020, is a function within the Research and Development department of Coopservice consisting of an architect BIM Manager and three certified BIM Coordinators. 

The objective is to improve the quality and collection of data in order to implement all possible integrations with operational and energy optimisation methods for buildings and installations.

The main areas of activity concern information management, technical support to business areas, short and medium-term research and development on the digitalisation of technical information processes.

Using Buiding Information Modeling it is possible to create a three-dimensional model of a building or infrastructure, composed of digital duplicates of real objects. In addition to the geometry, the digital objects contain all the information about the components, both in the construction phase and in the management phase. The BIM model and the objects it contains represent the single information base for the entire life cycle of the asset: the information created during the design phase is in fact transferred and integrated over time during the management phase.

We can say that BIM is a 7-dimensional model because it allows the best management of dimensional and design aspects (3D), planning (4D), cost estimation (5D), sustainability control and energy management (6D), and asset life cycle management (7D).

By 2025, the adoption of BIM to support procurement and service management will become mandatory. It becomes crucial for Contracting Authorities to rely on experienced partners who have developed significant experience in implementing BIM in different contexts.

BIM - immagine